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The Long Beach Community Alliance, Inc. relies on the generous financial contributions of its supporters to sustain our legal fight to represent and protect our shared interests.  Please note that the LBCA will never share or otherwise your personal information or level of financial support.
Unsecheduled or One-Time Donations

Please donate online via the link to the right or send checks payable to the Long Beach Community Alliance, Inc., at the following address:


Long Beach Community Alliance, Inc.

P.O. Box 167

Michigan City, Indiana  46361

Three Year Pledges

In addition to unscheduled or one-time donations, the Long Beach Community Alliance is asking for three year commitments to ensure sustainable funding of LBCA's legal defense of the Long Beach community's public beaches.  Please click on the pledge card document attached here:

Peer to Peer Fundraising

Please consider reaching out to your Long Beach friends and neighbors to raise awareness of the issues we currently face and encourage them to join the LBCA and provide financial support.

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Thomas E. King

Treasurer, LBCA

(312) 209-1114


P.O. Box 167

Michigan City, Indiana  46360


LBCA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and all donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.

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